
These three excellent books by Jeff Toalson tell the story of the civil war from a participants’ point of view through letters and diaries of the period.  Each book is filled with poignant stories of a different period of the war, but all fascinating and engaging.  They were presented to our camp during an excellent lecture by Jeff on April 17, 2014.  For more information, go to

Richmond Streets

Captain Wilson T. Mustian presented Facts and Legends of Richmond Area Streets, written by Thomas F. Mustian (Wilson’s grandfather) and first published in 1975, to our camp on March 21, 2014. 

In 2003, Wilson teamed up with Wayne Dementi to add additional roads and include photographs in the book, resulting in its second and third editions.  Copies of the third edition were available for purchase at the meeting. The book is $14.95

To order by mail:
Wilson Mustian
226 Roslyn Hills Drive
Richmond, VA  23229

It can also be purchased online at:!facts-and-legends-of-richmond-area-stree/czcb

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